Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9-15. Viewing the production and staging environments
Click the Deploy button under Staging. Doing so brings up a new page (see
Figure 9-16) with the following fields:
Application Package . This is the package that Visual Studio built for you. It's
the file with extension .cspkg in the Windows Explorer window. Clicking
Browse opens an Open form. You may find it easier to copy the entire path
from the Windows Explorer window and paste it in the Open form. Select the
package file, and click Open.
Configuration Settings . This is the configuration file of your cloud service
project with a .cscfg extension. Again, click Browse and select the
configuration file from the Open form.
Operating System Settings . This section allows you to configure the specific
version of the operating system you're using for this service. Leaving Upgrade
Method set to Automatic ensures that you get the latest security patches and
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