Graphics Reference
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function Dijkstra(G, w, s)
// G = graph
// w = costs
// s = start node
for each vertex v in V[G]
// Initializations
d[v] := infinity
previous[v] := undefined
d[s] := 0
S := empty set
// S = known nodes
Q := V[G]
// Q = trial nodes
while Q is not an empty set
// The algorithm
u := Extract_Min(Q)
S := S union {u}
for each edge (u,v) outgoing from u
if d[u] + w(u,v) < d[v]
d[v] := d[u] + w(u,v)
previous[v] := u
Fig. 9.8. Pseudocode for Dijkstra's Algorithm for finding the shortest path on a
graph or network.
Fig. 9.9. Air transportation network converted to a trellis.
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