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5.2 B-Spline Function
Cox [46] and de Boor [54] independently put forward a recursive definition for
numerical computation of normalized B-spline basis function. An ( m
1) th
degree B-spline curve P(u) is defined as
P ( u )=
B i,m ( u ) V i
n +1 ,
i =0
where V i is the i th control point of the ( n +1)th point control polygon vertices
and B i,m are the B-spline blending functions, which are basically polynomials
of degree m-1. B i,m are also called the B-spline basis functions. The order m
canbechosenfrom2to n + 1. The basis function B i,m ( u ) is defined by the
recursion formula of Cox-de Boor.
t i )
t i + m− 1
( u
t i B i,m− 1 ( u )+ ( t i + m
u )
B i,m ( u )=
t i +1 B i +1 ,m− 1 ( u ) ,
t i + m
where, t i
t i + m and
B i, 1 ( u )= 1 if t i
t i +1
0 otherwise.
The t i s in equation (5.2) are elements of a knot vector. From the equation
(5.2), it is clear that the basis function B i,m ( u ) is non-zero in the interval
[ t i ,t i + m ]. For a cubic B-spline, m =4and B i, 4 is non-zero in the interval
[ t i ,t i +4 ]. The basis function spans the knots t i ,t i +1 ,t i +2 ,t i +3 ,t i +4 . Note
that when knots are not repeated, B-spline is zero at the end-knots t i and
t i + m , i.e.,
B i,m ( u = t i )=0 , i,m ( u = t i + m )=0 .
But in B-splines, we use repeated knots (i.e., t i = t i +1 =
). Therefore, B i,m
can have the form
0 . Hence, we assume
0 = 0 to incorporate repeated knots.
1)th degree curve, P ( u ), in equation (5.1) the parameter
u ranges from 0 to n
To trace an ( m
m + 2. It can be shown that for any value of the
parameter u , the sum of the basis functions is
B i,m ( u )=1 .
i =0
Therefore, the B-spline curve lies within the convex hull defined by its control
polygon, which is a similar property exhibited by the B-B curve.
5.2.1 B-Spline Knot Structure for Uniform, Open Uniform, and
Nonuniform Basis
The equation (5.2) shows that we need to choose a set of knots , t i ,which
relate the parameter u to the control points. This relation, together with the
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