Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
One final caveat is that since this is a book on math for video games,
we will have a real-time bias. This is not to say that the topic cannot be
used if you are interested in learning how to write a raytracer; only that
our expertise and focus is in real-time graphics.
This chapter proceeds roughly in order from ivory tower theory to down-
and-dirty code snippets.
Section 10.1 gives a very high-level (and high-brow) theoretical ap-
proach to graphics, culminating in the rendering equation.
We then lower our brows somewhat to focus attention on matters of
more direct practical application, while still maintaining our platform
independence and attempt to be relevant ten years from now.
Section 10.2 discusses some basic mathematics related to viewing
in 3D.
Section 10.3 introduces some important coordinate spaces and
Section 10.4 looks at how to represent the surfaces of the geom-
etry in our scene using a polygon mesh.
Section 10.5 shows how to control material properties (such as
the “color” of the object) using texture maps.
The next sections are about lighting.
Section 10.6 defines the ubiquitous Blinn-Phong lighting model.
Section 10.7 discusses some common methods for representing
light sources.
With a little nudge further away from timeless theory, the next sec-
tions discuss two issues of particular contemporary interest.
Section 10.8 is about skeletal animation.
Section 10.9 tells how bump mapping works.
The last third of this chapter is the most in danger of becoming irrel-
evant in coming years, because it is the most immediately practical.
Section 10.10 gives an overview of a simple real-time graphics
pipeline, and then descends that pipeline and talks about some
mathematical issues along the way.
Section 10.11 concludes the chapter squarely in the “rapidly ag-
ing facts” territory with several HLSL examples demonstrating
some of the techniques covered earlier.
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