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Rotating points between coordinate spaces (object and upright)
Matrix : Possible; can often by highly optimized by SIMD instructions.
Euler Angles : Impossible (must convert to rotation matrix).
Exponential Map : Impossible (must convert to rotation matrix).
Quaternion : On a chalkboard, yes. Practically, in a computer, not really. You might as well
convert to rotation matrix.
Concatenation of multiple rotations
Matrix : Possible; can often be highly optimized by SIMD instructions. Watch out for matrix
Euler Angles : Impossible.
Exponential Map : Impossible.
Quaternion : Possible. Fewer scalar operations than matrix multiplication, but maybe not as
easy to take advantage of SIMD instructions. Watch out for error creep.
Inversion of rotations
Matrix : Easy and fast, using matrix transpose.
Euler Angles : Not easy.
Exponential Map : Easy and fast, using vector negation.
Quaternion : Easy and fast, using quaternion conjugate.
Matrix : Extremely problematic.
Euler Angles : Possible, but Gimbal lock causes quirkiness.
Exponential Map : Possible, with some singularities, but not as troublesome as Euler angles.
Quaternion : Slerp provides smooth interpolation.
Direct human interpretation
Matrix : Difficult.
Euler Angles : Easiest.
Exponential Map : Very difficult.
Quaternion : Very difficult.
Storage efficiency in memory or in a file
Matrix : Nine numbers.
Euler Angles : Three numbers that can be easily quantized.
Exponential Map : Three numbers that can be easily quantized.
Quaternion : Four numbers that do not quantize well; can be reduced to three by assuming
fourth component is always nonnegative and quaternion has unit length.
Unique representation for a given rotation
Matrix : Yes.
Euler Angles : No, due to aliasing.
Exponential Map : No, due to aliasing, but not as complicated as Euler angles.
Quaternion : Exactly two distinct representations for any angular displacement, and they are
negatives of each other.
Possible to become invalid
Matrix : Six degrees of redundancy inherent in orthogonal matrix. Matrix creep can occur.
Euler Angles : Any three numbers can be interpreted unambiguously.
Exponential Map : Any three numbers can be interpreted unambiguously.
Quaternion : Error creep can occur.
Table 8.1. Comparison of matrices, Euler angles, exponential maps, and quaternions
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