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Now let's see if we can create a similar mapping for the set of complex
numbers. You probably already have been introduced to complex numbers;
if so, you should remember that the complex pair (a,b) defines the number
a+bi. The number i is a special number such that i 2 = −1. It's often called
the imaginary number because no ordinary scalar (a “real” number) can
have this property. The word “imaginary” gives one the impression that
the number doesn't really exist; we're going avoid this term and instead
stick with the more descriptive one: “complex.”
Complex numbers can be added, subtracted, and multiplied. All we
need to do is follow the ordinary rules for arithmetic, and replace i 2 with
−1 whenever it appears. This results in the following identities:
(a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i,
(a + bi) − (c + di) = (a − c) + (b − d)i,
(a + bi)(c + di) = ac + adi + bci + bdi 2
= ac + (ad + bc)i + bd(−1)
= (ac − bd) + (ad + bc)i.
Adding, subtracting, and
multiplying complex
Now, how can we extend our system of embedding numbers in the space
of 2 × 2 matrices to include complex numbers? Before, we only had one
degree of freedom, a, and now we have two, a and b. The mapping we use is
a −b
b a
Mapping each complex
number to a 2 × 2 matrix
a + bi ≡
We can easily verify that the complex number on the left behaves exactly
the same as the matrix on the right. In a certain sense, they are just two
notations for writing the same quantity:
a −b
b a
c −d
d c
a + c
−(b + d)
Addition, subtraction,
and multiplication in
standard notation and
our 2 × 2 form
(a + bi) + (c + di) ≡
b + d
a + c
≡ (a + c) + (b + d)i,
a −b
b a
c −d
d c
a − c
−(b − d)
(a + bi) − (c + di) ≡
b − d
a − c
≡ (a − c) + (b − d)i,
a −b
b a
c −d
d c
ac − bd
−(ad + bc)
(a + bi)(c + di) ≡
ad + bc
ac − bd
≡ (ac − bd) + (ad + bc)i.
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