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Fig. 12.2 Network derived for sulphur assimilation from the top oscillating (O 0.750)
transcripts and metabolites. The key provides a guide to the network. Coloured circles represent
transcript abundance, diamonds metabolites and squares represent the transcription factor activity.
If the transcription factor activity of a node was greater than its transcript concentration, the square
was placed behind the circle , otherwise the square was placed in front of the circle . The nodes are
coloured according to the phase angle (
), and the oscillation strength ( O ) is indicated by the size
of the node. SLF sulphate, LLCT cystathione, HSER homoserine, OASER o -acetylhomoserine,
OBUT 2-oxobutanoate, AC acetate (Murray et al. 2007 )
defined the tight coupling between redox state and the regulation of oscillatory
dynamics. Cellular per-oxidative adducts, as measured by the levels of lipid
peroxidation products, oscillates out of phase with levels of dissolved O 2 (Kwak
et al. 2003 ). Pulse addition at minima of dissolved O 2 of 100
M N -acetylcysteine
(which scavenges H 2 O 2 and hydroxyl radicals) perturbed the respiratory oscillation
and attenuated H 2 S production to 63 % of its normal amplitude in the next 40-min
cycle. Then the respiratory oscillation damped out, only returning after 20 h. The
non-toxic free radical scavenger, ascorbic acid as well as the inhibitor of catalase
(3-aminotriazole) or superoxide dismutase (N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate) suggest
that endogenously produced reactive oxygen species play a role in intracellular
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