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Demongeot J, Doncescu A (2009) Modelling the glycolysis: an inverse problem approach.
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Demongeot J, Doncescu (2009) A Modelling the glycolysis: an inverse problem approach.
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Demongeot J, Hazgui H (In Press) MicroRNAs: unspecific inhibitory regulation in immunologic
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Demongeot J, Sen ´ S (2008) Asymptotic behavior and phase transition in regulatory networks II
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Demongeot J, Drouet E, Moreira A, Rechoum Y, Sen´ S (2009b) MicroRNAs: viral genome and
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Demongeot J, Glade N, Moreira A, Vial L (2009c) RNA relics and origin of life. Int J Mol Sci
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