Biology Reference
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Table 4.18 Values of the
global frustration D , attractor
numbers and periods for
positive circuits of order
8 with Boolean transitions
identity or negation
D (frustration)
Attractor number
Attractor period
Proposition 1 is used to estimate the evolution of the robustness of a network,
because from Demongeot and Waku ( 2012a , b ) and Demongeot and Demetrius
( submitted ) it results that the quantity E
E μ E attractor , called the evolutionary
entropy serves as robustness parameter (Ben Amor et al. 2008 ; Demongeot
et al. 2009a , b , 2010a ; Demongeot and Waku 2012a , b ; Elena et al. 2008 ; Lesne
2008 ; Gunawardena 2010 ), being related to the capacity a getBren has to return to
, the equilibrium measure, after endogenous or exogenous perturbation. E attractor
can be evaluated by the quantity:
E attractor ¼Σ 1 ;m 2 n
C k Þ log μð
C k Þ;
where m is the number of attractors and C k ¼
A k is the union of the attractor
A k and of its attraction basin B ( A k ). A systematic calculation of E attractor allows
quantifying the increase in complexity of a network ensuring a dedicated regulatory
function in different species: for example, the increase of the inhibitory sources
with multiple targets in up-trees converging on a conserved subgraph of a genetic
network (e.g., the core regulating the cell cycle in C. elegans , D. melanogaster, and
mammals, cf. Fig. 4.18 ) causes a decrease of its attractor number (Demongeot and
Waku 2012a ; Demongeot and Demetrius ( submitted ); Caraguel et al. 2010 ), hence
an increase of its evolutionary entropy, showing that the robustness of a network is
in this case positively correlated with its connectivity (i.e., the ratio between the
numbers of interactions and genes in the network).
Propositions 2 and 3 give examples of extreme cases, where the networks are
either discrete (Cinquin and Demongeot 2005 ) or continuous (Cinquin and
Demongeot 2002 ) potential (or gradient) systems, generalizing previous works on
continuous or discrete networks in which authors attempt to explicit Waddington
and Thom chreode's potential-like (Waddington 1940 ; Thom 1972 ), or Hamilto-
nian (Demongeot and Demetrius ( submitted ); Demongeot et al. 2011b ): in
(Demongeot et al. 2012 ) for example, it is proposed a method for calculating the
number of attractors in case of circuits with Boolean transitions identity or nega-
tion. These results about attractors counting constitute a partial response to the
discrete version of the XVIth Hilbert's problem and can be approached by using the
Hamiltonian energy levels. For example, for a positive circuit of order 8, it is easy
to prove that, in case of parallel updating, we have only even values for the global
frustration D (they are odd for a negative circuit), corresponding to different values
B ( A k )
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