Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Sergio Iraçu Gindri Lopes, Mara Barbosa, and Gustavo Rodrigo
Daltrozzo Funck
Rio Grande do Sul State Rice Institute (IRGA)
Cachoerinha, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pedro Blanco, Fernando Pérez de Vida, Federico Molina, Juan Rosas,
Sebastián Martínez, Victoria Bonnecarrere, Silvia Garaycochea, and
Gonzalo Carracelas
National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
Montevideo, Uruguay
Alfredo Marin
Argentinian Institute for Agricultural Research (INTA)
Corrientes, Argentina
Fernando Correa-Victoria
Rice Tec Solutions
Alvin, TX, USA
Ismael Camargo
Panamanian Institute for Agricultural Research (IDIAP)
Panama City, Panama
Carlos Bernardo Bruzzone
Seeds El Potrero Farm
Jaén, Perú
Rice breeding has made important contributions to Latin America. More than
400 cultivars were released from 1975 to 2012, which helped to raise total
production to
27 million tonnes obtained from 5.7 million hectares (average
for 2010
US$8.8 billion for thousands of
farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The result of higher yields
in the irrigated sector was to triple rice production in LAC while area did not
grow, thus preserving more fragile environments. Several estimates on genetic
gains for grain yield have been carried out in LAC. In temperate irrigated rice,
the estimates are around 1.5
2012). Rice production provides
2.6% per year. In the tropical irrigated, it is
and in the upland rice the estimate is
1.4% per year.
Different breeding strategies, including pedigree, modi
ed bulk, recurrent
selection methods, anther culture, interspeci
c crosses, composite populations,
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