Java Reference
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What is tokenization?
Tokenization is the process of breaking text down into simpler units. For most text, we are
concerned with isolating words. Tokens are split based on a set of delimiters. These delim-
iters are frequently whitespace characters. Whitespace in Java is defined by the Charac-
ter class' isWhitespace method. These characters are listed in the following table.
However, there may be a need at times to use a different set of delimiters. For example, dif-
ferent delimiters can be useful when whitespace delimiters obscure text breaks, such as
paragraph boundaries, and detecting these text breaks is important.
Unicode space character (space_separator, line_separator, or paragraph_separator)
U+0009 horizontal tabulation
U+000A line feed
U+000B vertical tabulation
U+000C form feed
U+000D carriage return
U+001C file separator
U+001D group separator
U+001E record separator
U+001F unit separator
The tokenization process is complicated by a large number of factors such as:
Language : Different languages present unique challenges. Whitespace is a com-
monly used delimiter but it will not be sufficient if we need to work with Chinese,
where they are not used.
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