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Identifying the task
It is important to understand the problem that needs to be solved. Based on this understand-
ing, a solution can be devised that consists of a series of steps. Each of these steps will use
an NLP task.
For example, suppose we want to answer a query such as "Who is the mayor of Paris?" We
will need to parse the query into the POS, determine the nature of the question, the qualify-
ing elements of the question, and eventually use a repository of knowledge, created using
other NLP tasks, to answer the question.
Other problems may not be quite as involved. We might only need to break apart text into
components so that the text can be associated with a category. For example, a vendor's
product description may be analyzed to determine the potential product categories. The
analysis of the description of a car would allow it to be placed into categories such as
sedan, sports car, SUV, or compact.
Once you have an idea of what NLP tasks are available, you will be better able to match it
with the problem you are trying to solve.
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