Java Reference
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(NN purpose))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (NN life))))
(VP (VBZ is)
(ADJP (JJ plain)
(VP (TO to)
(VP (VB see))))))
(. .)))
root(ROOT-0, plain-8)
det(meaning-2, The-1)
nsubj(plain-8, meaning-2)
conj_and(meaning-2, purpose-4)
prep_of(meaning-2, life-6)
cop(plain-8, is-7)
aux(see-10, to-9)
xcomp(plain-8, see-10)
The first part of the output displays the text along with the tokens and POS. This is fol-
lowed by a tree-like structure showing the organization of the sentence. The last part
shows relationships between the elements at a grammatical level. Consider the following
prep_of(meaning-2, life-6)
This shows how the preposition, "of", is used to relate the words "meaning" and "life".
This information is useful for many text simplification tasks.
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