Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Template = Normal.dotm
TotalTime = 20
There is a CoreProperties class that holds a core set of properties for the document.
The getCoreProperties method provides access to these properties:
CoreProperties coreProperties =
These properties are listed here:
Created = Sat Jan 03 18:27:00 CST 2015
CreatedString = 2015-01-04T00:27:00Z
Creator = Richard
LastModifiedBy = Richard
LastPrinted = Sat Jan 03 18:27:00 CST 2015
LastPrintedString = 2015-01-04T00:27:00Z
Modified = Mon Jan 05 14:01:00 CST 2015
ModifiedString = 2015-01-05T20:01:00Z
Revision = 3
There are individual methods with access to specific properties such as the getCreat-
or , getCreated , and getModified methods. Extended properties, represented by
the ExtendedProperties class, are available through the getExtendedProper-
ties method, as shown here:
ExtendedProperties extendedProperties =
The output is as follows:
Application = Microsoft Office Word
AppVersion = 12.0000
Characters = 762
CharactersWithSpaces = 894
Company =
HyperlinksChanged = false
Lines = 6
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