Java Reference
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Understanding parse trees
Parse trees represent hierarchical relationships between elements of text. For example, a
dependency tree shows the relationship between the grammatical elements of a sentence.
Let's reconsider the following sentence:
The cow jumped over the moon.
A parse tree for the sentence is shown here. It was generated using the techniques found in
Using the LexicalizedParser class later in this chapter:
(NP (DT The) (NN cow))
(VP (VBD jumped)
(PP (IN over)
(NP (DT the) (NN moon))))
(. .)))
The sentence can be graphically depicted as shown in the following figure. It was gener-
ated using the application found at . Another editor that
allows you to examine text in a graphical manner is GrammarScope ( ht-
tp:// ). This is a Stanford supported tool that uses a Swing-
based GUI to generate a parse tree, a grammatical structure, typed dependencies, and a se-
mantic graph of text.
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