Java Reference
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First Part
NP Noun chunk
VB Verb chunk
Multiple words are grouped together such as "The voyage" and "the Abraham Lincoln".
[The] B-NP
[voyage] I-NP
[of] B-PP
[the] B-NP
[Abraham] I-NP
[Lincoln] I-NP
[was] B-VP
[for] B-PP
[a] B-NP
[long] I-NP
[time] I-NP
[marked] B-VP
[by] B-PP
[no] B-NP
[special] I-NP
[incident.] I-NP
If we are interested in getting more detailed information about the chunks, we can use the
ChunkerME class' chunkAsSpans method. This method returns an array of Span ob-
jects. Each object represents one span found in the text.
There are several other ChunkerME class methods available. Here, we will illustrate the
use of the getType , getStart , and getEnd methods. The getType method returns
the second part of the chunk tag, and the getStart and getEnd methods return the be-
ginning and ending index of the tokens, respectively, in the original sentence array.
The length method returns the length of the span in number of tokens.
In the following sequence, the chunkAsSpans method is executed using the sen-
tence and tags arrays. The spans array is then displayed. The outer for loop pro-
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