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Techniques for name recognition
There are a number of NER techniques available. Some use regular expressions and others
are based on a predefined dictionary. Regular expressions have a lot of expressive power
and can isolate entities. A dictionary of entity names can be compared to tokens of text to
find matches.
Another common NER approach uses trained models to detect their presence. These mod-
els are dependent on the type of entity we are looking for and the target language. A model
that works well for one domain, such as web pages, may not work well for a different do-
main, such as medical journals.
When a model is trained, it uses an annotated block of text, which identifies the entities of
interest. To measure how well a model has been trained, several measures are used:
Precision : It is the percentage of entities found that match exactly the spans found
in the evaluation data
Recall : It is the percentage of entities defined in the corpus that were found in the
same location
Performance measure : It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall given by
F1 = 2 * Precision * Recall / (Recall + Precision)
We will use these measures when we cover the evaluation of models.
NER is also known as entity identification and entity chunking. Chunking is the analysis
of text to identify its parts such as nouns, verbs, or other components. As humans, we tend
to chunk a sentence into distinct parts. These parts form a structure that we use to determ-
ine its meaning. The NER process will create spans of text such as "Queen of England".
However, there may be other entities within these spans such as "England".
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