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String paragraph = "Similar to stemming is Lemmatization. "
+"This is the process of finding its lemma, its form "
+"as found in a dictionary.";
Annotation document = new Annotation(paragraph);
We now need to iterate over the sentences and tokens of the sentences. The Annota-
tion and CoreMap class' get methods will return values of the type specified. If there
are no values of the specified type, it will return null . We will use these classes to obtain
a list of lemmas.
First, a list of sentences is returned and then each word of each sentence is processed to
find lemmas. The list of sentences and lemmas are declared here:
List<CoreMap> sentences =
List<String> lemmas = new LinkedList<>();
Two for-each statements iterate over the sentences to populate the lemmas list. Once this
is completed, the list is displayed:
for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
for (CoreLabelword :
sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
for (String element : lemmas) {
System.out.print(element + " ");
The output of this sequence is as follows:
[similar to stem be lemmatization . this be the process of
find its lemma , its form as find in a dictionary . ]
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