Information Technology Reference
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1. Sequencing: The selection phase
is followed by the continuation phases.
de−!d_ W j =1 j e
2. Sequencing: The continuation phases return to the selection phase.
V j =1 d j e−!d j _e
3. Progress: When P i
holds for
in the selection phase, it is left.
V i =1 d ^
P i e
−! d : e
j ,with j
4. Progress: When P i
holds for
= i ,itisleft.
V i;j =1 ( i
= j )
d j ^
P i e
−! d : j e
5. Selection: The phase
is selected under P i .
V i =1 (
d ^
P i e^`
−! d _ i e
6. Selection: The phase
will be
-stable under P i .
V i =1 (
d: i e
d i ^
P i e^`
−! d i e
7. Progress: The phase
is maintained by P i .
V i =1 d i ^
P i e
−! d i e
A cyclic controller implements the progress constraint
_ W j =1 j )
P i e
−! d i e
for an arbitrary index i . Within three delay periods control will be in the phase
corresponding to a stable external state. The worst case occurs when the selec-
tion phase is left after almost a
-period for another continuation phase (1,3).
, control returns to the selection phase (2,4). The nal
-period ensures
transition to the correct phase (1,5,3), where it remains (6,7).
This controller can be extended with suitable actuators enabled in the con-
tinuation phases such that the Transitive law ensures a correct implementation
of progress commitments.
In the ProCoS case studies, designs were made more complex by a distributed
framework with CSP-like channels. It required a major eort by Schenke [13] to
develop systematic transformation rules from the level of implementables to this
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