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Compilation and Synthesis for Real-Time
Embedded Controllers
Martin Franzle 1 and Markus Muller-Olm 2
1 Carl v. Ossietzky Universitat, Department of Computer Science,
26111 Oldenburg, Germany
2 University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, FB 4, LS 5,
44221 Dortmund, Germany
Abstract. This article provides an overview over two constructive ap-
proaches to provably correct hard real-time code generation where hard
real-timecodeis generated from abstract requirements rather than ver-
ied against the timing requirements a posteriori . The rst, more prag-
matic approach is concerned with translation of imperative programs,
extended by hard real-time commands which allow one to specify upper
bounds for the execution time of basic blocks. In the second approach,
Duration Calculus, a metric-time temporal logic, is used as the source
language. Duration Calculus allows one to specify real-time systems at
a very high level of abstraction.
Due to rapidly dropping costs and the increasing power and flexibility of embed-
ded digital hardware, digital control is becoming ubiquitous in technical systems
encountered in everyday life. Modern means of transport rely on digital hard-
ware even in vital sub-systems like anti-locking brakes, fly-by-wire systems, or
signaling hardware. Medical equipment gains such a boost in functionality from
exploiting the flexibility of computer control that more classical technology is
replaced by digital control even in such critical applications as life-support sys-
tems or radiation treatment. Correct behavior of digital systems has thus become
crucial to the safety of human life.
Formal methods are mathematical techniques developed to aid in the de-
sign of software systems. These techniques can provide correctness guarantees
that are not otherwise available. Formal methods thus complement more tradi-
tional approaches for ensuring quality of software, like testing and certication by
code inspection. Classical program verication is concerned with functional in-
put/output specications of stand-alone programs. In the application scenarios
sketched above, however, correctness typically does not only depend on func-
tional requirements but also on the time at which inputs are read and outputs
are provided. Moreover, the digital system typically controls an environment of
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