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"Point" "inBox" 2) we require that it be a list whose rst, third and fourth
elements are invokevirtual , "inBox" and 2, respectively.
The second change to this approximation is that we must insist that the
method found by looking up the superclass chain of
be inBox . In par-
ticular, just because we invoke "inBox" in a TJVM state in which "Point" is
dened as above, do we know that the resolved method will be inBox ? No! The
superclass chain of
might include a class that overrides "inBox" and denes
it a dierent way. If we add the hypothesis that the resolved method is inBox
then we may delete the hypothesis, in our approximation above, requiring that
"Point" be as dened here: it does not matter how "Point" is dened as long
as the resolved method is our inBox .
Theorem. "inBox" is correct: Suppose
s 0 is a TJVM state whose next
instruction is of the form (invokevirtual class "inBox" 2) . Let
be the third item on the operand stack, let
p 1 be the second item, and
p 2 be the topmost item. Suppose the nearest method named "inBox"
in the superclass chain of
is inBox . Then the TJVM state obtained
by stepping
s 0 with the
program counter incremented by one and the three items removed from
the operand stack and replaced by 1 or 0 according to whether (inBox
this p 1
s 0 (inBox-clock
this p 1
p 2
s 0 ) times is state
p 2
s 0 ) . The heap is unchanged.
Here is the formal rendering of the theorem:
Theorem. "inBox" is correct:
(implies (and (consp (next-inst s 0 ))
(equal (car (next-inst s 0 )) 'invokevirtual)
(equal (caddr (next-inst s 0 )) "inBox")
(equal (cadddr (next-inst s 0 )) 2)
(equal this (top (pop (pop (stack (top-frame s 0 ))))))
(equal p 1
(top (pop (stack (top-frame s 0 )))))
(equal p 2
(top (stack (top-frame s 0 ))))
(equal (lookup-method "inBox"
(class-name-of-ref this (heap s 0 ))
(class-table s 0 ))
inBox ))
(tjvm s 0 (inBox-clock this p 1 p 2 s 0 ))
(push (make-frame (+ 1 (pc (top-frame s 0 )))
(locals (top-frame s 0 ))
(push (if (inBox this p 1 p 2 s 0 )10)
(popn 3 (stack (top-frame s 0 ))))
(program (top-frame s 0 )))
(pop (call-stack s 0 )))
(heap s 0 )
(class-table s 0 ))))
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