Global Positioning System Reference
In-Depth Information
Niell, A. E., “Global Mapping Functions for the Atmosphere Delay at Radio Wave-
lengths,” Journal of Geophysical Research , Vol. 101, No. B2, 1996, pp. 3227-3246.
Marini, J. W., “Correction of Satellite Tracking Data for an Arbitrary Tropospheric Pro-
file,” Radio Science , Vol. 7, No. 2, 1972, pp. 223-231.
Yinger, C., et al., “GPS Satellite Interfrequency Biases,” Proc. of The Institute of Naviga-
tion Annual Meeting , Cambridge, MA, June 1999.
Rivers, M., “The 2 SOPS User Range Accuracy (URA) Improvement and Broadcast
Inter-Frequency Bias (TGD) Updates,” Proc. of The Institute of Navigation ION GPS
2000 , Salt Lake City, UT, September 2000.
ARINC, NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces, Interface Specifica-
tion, IS-GPS-705 , ARINC Engineering Services LLC, El Segundo, CA, December 2004.
Johnson, G., and T. Zaugg, “Measuring Interchannel Bias in GPS Receiver,” Proc. of ION
57th Annual Meeting and the CIGTF 20th Biennial Guidance Test Symposium , Albuquer-
que, NM, June 11-13, 2001.
Hegarty, C., E. Powers, and B. Fonville, “Accounting for Timing Biases Between GPS,
Modernized GPS, and Galileo Signals,” Proc. of 36th Annual Precise Time and Time Inter-
val (PTTI) Meeting , Washington, D.C., December 2004.
Keith, J. P., “Multipath Errors Induced by Electronic Components in Receiver Hardware,”
M.S.E.E. thesis, Ohio University, Athens, OH, November 2002.
Nelson, W., Use of Circular Error Probability in Target Detection , United States Air Force,
ESD-TR-88-109, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA, May 1988.
van Graas, F., and A. Soloviev, “Precise Velocity Estimation Using a Stand-Alone GPS
Receiver,” NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation , Winter 2004-2005.
Kouba, J., and P. Héroux, “GPS Precise Point Positioning Using IGS Orbit Products,” GPS
Solutions , Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 2000, pp. 12-28.
Moudrak, A., et al., “GPS Galileo Time Offset: How It Affects Positioning Accuracy and
How to Cope with It,” Proc. of The Institute of Navigation ION GNSS 2004 , Long Beach,
CA, September 2004.
Plan ,
4650.5, March 2002.
RTCA, “Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards for the Local Area Augmenta-
tion System (LAAS),” Document No. RTCA/DO-245, Prepared by SC-159, September 28,
Sotolongo, G. L., “Proposed Analysis Requirements for the Statistical Characterization of
the Performance of the GPSSU RAIM Algorithm for Appendix A of the MOPS,” RTCA
308-94/SC159-544, July 20, 1994.
Shank, C., and J. Lavrakas, “GPS Integrity: An MCS Perspective,” Proc. of ION GPS-93,
6th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation ,
Salt Lake City, UT, September 22-24, 1993, pp. 465-474.
034-01/SC-159-867, July 1998.
Van Dyke, K., et al., “GPS Integrity Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (IFMEA),” Proc. of
The Institute of Navigation National Technical Meeting , Anaheim, CA, January 2003.
Brown, R. G., “GPS RAIM: Calculation of Thresholds and Protection Radius Using
Chi-Square Methods—A Geometric Approach,” Navigation ION Red Book Series, Vol. 5,
van Graas, F., and P. A. Kline, “Hybrid GPS/LORAN-C,” Ohio University technical mem-
orandum OU/AEC923TM00006/46+46A-1, Athens, OH, July 1992.
RTCA, “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Supplemental Navi-
gation Equipment Using Global Positioning System (GPS),” Document No. RTCA/
DO-208, SC-159, July 1991.
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