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In this chapter, we have started our journey through the data visualization
methodology. The emphasis has been on the importance of planning, preparation,
and scoping our project, before we embark on any design work. Without this early
work we could undermine the effectiveness and efficiency of our eventual design
process: something any designer can ill afford to allow.
We have seen how data visualization is a means of facilitating the discovery of
patterns and relationships that exist within data. These are insights that would
otherwise be practically impossible to draw from data in its raw state.
The importance of establishing the purpose of our visualization project was the key
part of this first stage. Specifically, we highlighted the distinction between functional
intent and tonal intent.
Within these characteristics we described the difference between visualizations that
are functionally seeking to explain, explore, or exhibit data. Furthermore, we saw the
significance in potential design differences between visualization styles that serve a
pragmatic tone and those that are more emotive or abstract.
As we will appreciate throughout the remaining chapters, developing the clarity
of our purpose at this early stage is paramount to the success of our visualization
design process. The choices we make fundamentally influence our design choices
and the potential experience of our target audience.
We explored some of the key factors that can have a strong influence on the shape
and scope of our visualization project. Whether it is the technical matters, the issue
of format, financial resources, or timescales, each factor mentioned can have a huge
impact on your creative path and scope.
Finally, we looked in depth at the range of personal capabilities required to
successfully deliver a visualization design and drew attention to how you might
need to personally address any gaps through development or collaboration.
In the next chapter we'll look at two further important stages of planning and
preparation: identifying your intended narrative and getting intimate with your data.
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