Graphics Reference
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Before discovering this subject, my own approach to presenting data was certainly
not informed by any training or prior knowledge. I'd never even thought about it.
Taste and gut-feel were my guiding principles alongside a perceived need to show
off technical competencies in tools like Excel. Indeed, I'd like to take this opportunity
to apologize for much of my graphical output between 1995 and 2005 where striking
gradients and "impressive" 3D were commonplace. The thing is, as I've just said, I
didn't realize there was a better way; it simply wasn't on my radar.
In some respects, the reliance on instinct, playing about with solutions that seem
to work fine for us, can suffice for most of our needs. However, these days, you
often hear the desire being expressed to move beyond devices like the bar chart and
find different creative ways to communicate data.
While it is a perfectly understandable desire, just aiming for something different (or
even worse, something "cool") is not a good enough motive in itself.
If we want to optimize the way we approach a data visualization design, whether
it be a small, simple chart or a complicated interactive graphic, we need to be better
equipped with the necessary knowledge and appreciation of the many design and
analytical decisions we need to make.
As suggested previously, instinct and taste have got us so far but to move on to a
whole new level of effectiveness, we need to understand the key design concepts
and learn about the creative process. This is where the importance of a methodology
comes in.
The data visualization methodology
The design methodology described in this topic is intended to be portable to any
visualization challenge. It presents a sequence of important analytical and design
tasks and decisions that need to be handled effectively.
As any fellow student of Operational Research (the "Science of Better") will testify,
through planning and preparation, and the development and deployment of
strategy, complex problems can be overcome with greater efficiency, effectiveness,
and elegance. Data visualization is no different.
Adopting this methodology is about recognizing the key stages, considerations, and
tactics that will help you navigate smoothly through your visualization project.
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