Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 13
Framework for Re-thinking Ethics in the
Organic Movement
Bernhard Freyer, Jim Bingen, and Milena Klimek
Values in the Contemporary Organic Movement
Today, organic actors embody a mix of traditional and new values that emerge
from the challenges confronted in a modern/post-modern society (see e.g., Grosglik,
Chap. 8 ; Brock and Barham, Chap. 12 ) . Several phenomena illustrate this blend of
modern and post-modern features and values of organic farming and marketing: the
diversity among the types of organic farmers and their practices (see e.g., Constance
et al., Chap. 9 ; Hunt et al., Chap. 10 ) ; the variety of markets for organic products
(see e.g., Grosglik, Chap. 8 ) , and, the range of consumer values about organic (see
e.g., Hatanaka, Chap. 3 ; Getter et al. Chap. 7 ) . The values of the organic pioneers
continue, but they are expressed in diverse patterns within the organic movements
(see Chap. 2 ) .
In contrast to other reviews of the organic movement that focus on specific
organic actors, 1 our discussion applies an ethical framework to compare the ethics
of different actors all along the organic chain (Sect. 13.1.1 ). We argue that our
identified value types are consistent across these actor groups. To support these
positions we refer to the former chapters in this volume and review and summarize
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