Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Increasing Demand for Pasture-Based Dairy:
What Attributes and Images Do Consumers
Kristin L. Getter, Bridget K. Behe, Philip H. Howard, David S. Conner,
and Lia M. Spaniolo
Pasture-based dairy farming in Michigan has been identified as a component of a
possible solution to the dual problems of aging farmer population and disappearance
of small- and medium-scale farms, as this model is particularly appropriate for
younger and beginning farmers (Conner et al. 2007 ). Previous research suggests
a host of ancillary environmental and social benefits accompanying the use of
this model such as reduced soil erosion and phosphorus losses, increased soil
carbon sequestration potential, improved quality of life at the farm level (including
increased income per cow and less capital investment) and community level
(including lower poverty and unemployment rates and greater civic engagement) as
compared to traditional systems (DiGiacomo et al. 2001 ;Rotzetal. 2002 ; Conant
et al. 2003 ; Bishop et al. 2005 ; Taylor and Foltz 2006 ; Conner et al. 2007 ). Due to its
lower start-up costs and greater profitability per production and animal unit, pasture-
based dairy can provide a viable family income on a family farm scale (Dartt et al.
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