Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
entire length of Vancouver Island. Chum are one of five salmon species native to
localtidalwaters.Allare anadromous; thatis,theyareborninfreshwater,livemost
of life in saltwater, and then return to freshwater to spawn. The life cycle of these
creatures is truly amazing. Hatching from small red eggs upriver from the ocean,
the fry find their way to the ocean, undergoing massive internal changes along the
way that allow them to survive in saltwater. Depending on the species, they then
spend 2-6 years in the open water, traveling as far as the Bering Sea. After reach-
ing maturity, they begin the epic journey back to their birthplace, to the exact patch
of gravel on the same river from where they emerged. Their navigation system has
evolved over a million years; it is believed they rely on a sensory system that uses
measurements of sunlight, the earth's magnetic field, and atmospheric pressure to
find their home river. Once the salmon are in range of their home river, scent takes
over, returning them to the exact spot where they were born. Once the salmon reach
Pacific salmon die immediately after spawning; hence the importance of returning
to their birthplace, a spot the salmon instinctively know gives them the best oppor-
tunity for their one chance to reproduce successfully.
To reach the excellent Freeman King Visitor Centre (250/478-9414, , 9am-4:30pm daily, free), look for the parking lot on the east
side of the TransCanada Highway 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) north of the campground
a forested trail. In addition to displays, the center hosts interpretive programs throughout
summer and the fall salmon- and eagle-viewing season and has a bookstore.
The Saanich Peninsula is the finger of land that extends north from downtown. It holds
Victoria's most famous attraction, Butchart Gardens, as well as Victoria International Air-
port and the main arrival point for ferries from Tsawwassen. If you've caught the ferry
over to Vancouver Island from Tsawwassen, you'll have arrived at Swartz Bay, on the
northern tip of the Saanich Peninsula; from here it's a clear run down Highway 17 to
downtown Victoria and the waterfront town of Sidney. If you're coming from Goldstream
Provincial Park, head north, or from Nanaimo on Highway 1, head south, to reach Mill
Bay, whereaferrydepartsregularlyfor Brentwood Bay ontheSaanichPeninsula.(Brent-
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