Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 16 PSA decision (7) on vessels compliance with the BWM requirements (This fi gure can be
downloaded from http://extras.springer.com/ )
Decision 9: Stop Deballasting?
If a vessel is found non-compliant with BWM requirements, PSC may decide to
prevent deballasting. The decision regarding the prevention of a vessel from debal-
lasting is basically related to the risk posed by the ballast water intended for
In case a non-compliant vessel has already started deballasting and the risk posed
is unacceptable, such a vessel will be stopped from deballasting (see Fig. 18 ).
When a vessel was required to stop deballasting, the PSA authority notifi es that
vessel regarding possible alternative BWM options available. If feasible, the vessel
conducts alternative BWM.
Decision 10: Allow Discharge of Unmanaged Ballast Water?
This is a position where none of the “regular” or alternative BWM options was
implemented. A vessel in this situation would be one that:
has declared to have on board unmanaged ballast water intended for discharge;
did everything in her capability to comply with the requirements;
was not able to conduct requested regular BWM practice; as well as
was not able to conduct alternative BWM practices.
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