Environmental Engineering Reference
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The studies the authors were involved in have shown that there are BWS methods
and sample analysis methods available which were extensively used on board of
commercial vessels to test BWMS to proof compliance especially with the D-2
standard. These methods were scientifi cally validated by additional tests and studies
on board and in land-based experiments. Most of the recommended methods have
also shown to be relatively simple, i.e., no special background education is needed
for their application, they are cost effective, i.e., there is no need for very expensive
equipment, there are no high running costs, and they are generally applicable on all
vessel types and in all geographic regions. The authors believe that the sampling and
sample analysis recommendations suggested in this chapter may result in a work-
able, equitable and pragmatic solution to support the entry into force of the BWM
Acknowledgements WWF International is thanked for having recently provided funds to generate
a ballast water sampling report which was presented to IMO. This report to a large extend was
considered when drafting this topic chapter. Part of this publication has been produced with the
fi nancial assistance of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme - strategic project
Ballast Water Management System for Adriatic Sea Protection (BALMAS). The contents of this
publication are the sole responsibility of authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as
refl ecting the position of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Authorities.
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Gollasch S, David M (2009) Results of an on board ballast water sampling study and initial con-
siderations how to take representative samples for compliance control with the D-2 Standard of
the Ballast Water Management Convention. Report of research study of the Bundesamt für
Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), Hamburg
Gollasch S, David M (2010a) Recommendations how to take a representative ballast water sample,
emerging ballast water management systems. IMO-WMU Research and Development Forum,
Gollasch S, David M (2010b) Testing sample representativeness of a ballast water discharge and
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Gollasch S, David M (2013) Recommendations for Representative Ballast Water Sampling. Final
report of research study of the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH),
Hamburg, Germany. Order Number 4500025702
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