Environmental Engineering Reference
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all relevant information to this Party to enable a decision if an exemption can be
granted (or not).
The RA itself could be conducted by any Party, or a Party may ask the applicant
to prepare it. In both cases the Party which receives the application needs to have a
common RA model available. Further this Party has to receive all necessary data
and arrangements to conduct a RA with the aim to grant (or not) an exemption from
BWM requirements. This is essentially needed as Parties are responsible to ensure
that any action or decision taken may not cause harm to neighbouring or other states
(see above). This process is globally applicable (Fig. 3 ).
Risk Assessment Framework
Data Reliability
The most critical point is to have reliable input data for the RA process as the decision
taken by the Party has cost and legal consequences. However, there are known
uncertainties, unpredictable stochastic events, as well as a lack of knowledge and
Fig. 3 General process and
parties involved in the
application for BWM
exemptions (David et al.
2013 ) (Reprinted from David
et al. ( 2013 ), copyright 2013,
with permission from
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