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facilitate removal of sediments, and to provide safe access for sediment removal and
sampling, taking into account the Guidelines for sediments control on ships (G12).
This also applies to ships constructed prior to 2009, to the extent practicable.
Exemptions from BWM and Additional Measures
Some ships may be exempted from BWM requirements provided that the risk level
of such a discharge is acceptable based on Guidelines on Risk Assessments under
Regulation A-4 (G7). In other cases, when the risk is identifi ed as (very) high, such
ships may be required to take additional measures based on Guidelines for Additional
Measures Including Emergency Situations (G13). The level of risk is a result of RA
(see chapter Risk Assessment in Ballast Water Management ).
The BWM Convention addresses the selective BWM approach in Article 4.2.
This article requests a party to develop BWM policies, strategies or programs
regarding to its particular conditions and capabilities. It was understood that no
“one size fi ts all” approach is available because different states may have different
geographical, environmental, socio-economic, organizational, political and other
conditions as well as different shipping patterns. In light of RA based exemptions
from BWM requirements, these can be given on the basis of Regulation A-4, while
additional measures may be introduced based on Regulation C-1 (see Fig. 2 ).
Fig. 2 Risk assessment procedures according to the BWM Convention (Enhanced after Gollasch
et al. 2007 ) (Reprinted from Gollasch et al. 2007 , copyright 2007, with permission from Elsevier)
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