Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2.4 Pollinators o f Spiranthes magnicamporum , S. ochroleuca , and S. odorata
Pollinator/state or province
S. magnicamporum
Bombus fervidus (Fabricus)/ND
Sheviak ( 1982 )
B. nevadensis var. americanum /WI
Hapeman ( 1996 )
B. sp./ON, IL
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c ) a
S. ochroleuca
B. impatiens Cresson/MA
Sheviak ( 1982 )
B. pennsylvanica (DeGeer)/ne U.S.
Ames ( 1921 ), p. 81
B. vagans /VT
Sheviak ( 1982 )
B. sp./PA, MA, ON
Catling ( 1983c ) a
S. odorata Apidae
B. pensylvanicus (DeGeer)/FL Dodson in Luer ( 1975 , p. 120)
[as B. americanorum (Fabr.)]
B. pennsylvanicus /FL Sheviak ( 1982 )
B. fervidus /NH Luer ( 1975 )
B. impatiens Cresson/MA Sheviak ( 1982 )
B. nevadensis Cresson/NC Stevenson ( 1973 )
a Unobserved; likely based on floral morphology and/or flowering pattern
Table 2.5 Pollinators of Spiranthes lacera
Pollinator/state or province
Calliopsis andreniformis Smith/IL
Robertson ( 1893, 1929 )
Bombus americanum (Fabricus)/IL
Robertson ( 1893, 1929 )
B. perplexus Cresson/ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
B. terricola Kirby/ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
B. vagans Smith/ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
B. sp./NJ
Catling ( 1983c ) a
Dialictus immitatus (Lov.)/ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
Anthidium notatum Latreille/FL
Robertson ( 1893 )
Hoplitis truncata Cresson/ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
Megachile brevis Say/FL
Robertson ( 1893, 1929 )
M. inermis Prov./ON
Catling ( 1980b, 1983c )
a Unobserved; likely based on floral morphology or flowering pattern
Studies examining population variability and seed morphology are consistent
with the occurrence of differing levels of sexuality in agamospermous taxa. In a
multivariate analysis of morphological data based on plants from southwestern
Ontario, Catling and Brown ( 1983 ) found that populations of S. magnicamporum ,
although clearly agamospermous based on their frequent development of polyem-
bryonic seed, were also distinctly more variable than those of S. cernua . It is likely
that the differences in variability reflect differences in levels of sexuality and that
agamospermy is facultative in populations of S. magnicamporum at this site (Swamy
1948 ; Catling 1982 ; Catling and Brown 1983 ).
Based on breeding experiments and levels of polyembryonic seed production,
Schmidt ( 1987 ) and Schmidt and Antlfinger ( 1992 ) concluded that agamospermy is
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