Biology Reference
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facilitated by adaptation to wide-spread pollinators, wind dispersal of the seeds, and
vegetative reproduction.
Goodyera populations are known to be sensitive to disturbance. Logging prac-
Northwest and are a threat at most other locations (St. Hilaire 2002 &OREXAMPLE
populations of G. pubescens , perhaps the most threatened species of Goodyera ,
have been much reduced due to reduction of habitat in northeastern North America
species to damaging climatic fluctuations (Reddoch and Reddoch 2007 ). Other
diversity, acid rain, climate change, and collection for horticultural purposes (e.g.,
St. Hilaire 2002 and references therein).
Other Goodyerinae
Zeuxine Lindley
Zeuxine is a genus of about 30 (Ackerman 2002a ) to 70 (Pridgeon et al. 2003 )
widely distributed species. Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr. (soldier's orchid)
(Fig. 1.4a ), native to Arabia, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, was first intro-
duced to North America in Florida and is now also found in Georgia, Mississippi,
,OUISIANAAND4EXAS!MES 1938 ; Thieret 1972 ; Correll 1978 ; Ackerman 2002a ).
Luer ( 1975 ) observed small flies visiting the colorful and highly fragrant flowers,
but based on its prolific seed production, rapid spread, and free reproduction in hot
houses, he and Ackerman ( 2002a ) concluded that it is almost certainly autogamous
Fig. 1.4 ( a ) Zeuxine strateumatica , flower, front view; ( b ) Ponthieva racemosa , nonresupinate
flower, front view, scale bars = 2 mm
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