Biology Reference
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Frons A segment of an insect's cranium usually positioned between and below the
antennae and above the clypeus; the anterior, uppermost part of the head of an
insect, forehead.
Fugacious Early withering or dehiscence of a plant part.
Galea Part of an insect's maxilla, the outer lobes.
Gametes Sex cells, eggs and sperm.
Geitonogamy Fertilization of a flower with pollen from a different flower on the
same plant or clone.
Gene flow In plants the movement of genes from one population to another con-
specific population by cross-pollination.
Gene pool All the genes present in a breeding population or species at one time.
Genet A term describing a single plant comprised of a number of vegetatively
produced, genetically identical stems (ramets), a clone.
Genetic drift Changes in gene frequency entirely as a result of chance rather than
natural selection; most likely to occur in very small populations where the prob-
ability of non-random mating is high.
Genotype The genetic makeup of an individual or the shared genetic makeup of a
group of individuals as contrasted with physical appearance (phenotype).
Gland An organ comprised of one or more cells that secretes specific chemical
Glossa A tonguelike mouthpart in an insect.
Gynostemium See column.
Hamulus A kind of stipe derived from an upwardly curved, distal extension of the
rostellar apex.
Hand pollination The transfer of pollen to stigma by human hand, artificial as
opposed to natural or open pollination.
Herbaceous Pertains to plants with little woody tissue, particularly if the above
ground parts endure less than a year.
Hermaphroditic A flower having both male and female reproductive structures or
a plant with only perfect flowers.
Heterotrophic An organism that is not able to synthesize food and receives its
nourishment from the consumption or absorption of organic substances.
Hexaploid An organism having six sets of paired chromosomes in each nucleus,
termed “6n.”
Humus The dark organic matter in soil derived from the decomposition of plant
or animal matter.
Hybrid An individual produced from genetically different parents; as used here
from different species, genera, or other taxonomic groups.
Hybridization The production of hybrids by natural or artificial means.
Hypochile The basal part of a lip that is divided into two or three parts, the
hypochile, (mesochile), and epichile.
Inbreeding Selfing or breeding with closely related individuals.
Inbreeding depression A decline in vigor in normally outcrossing species result-
ing from inbreeding and problems associated with homozygous recessive lethals
and semilethals.
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