Biology Reference
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Apiculate Ending abruptly with a short point at the apex.
Apogamy Reproduction of the sporophyte directly from the female gametophyte
without fertilization by male cells.
Apomixis (apomictic) As used here, the production of seeds without fertilization.
Arcuate Bent or curved.
Asexual Reproduction by vegetative means.
Attenuate Gradually tapering to a slender point; cf. acuminate.
Auricle Projecting lobes at the base of a leaf, bract, or petal; in orchids often a
small, lateral outgrowth of the column, possibly part of a sterile anther.
Autogamy Intrafloral self fertilization without the aid of a pollen vector.
Auto-pollination Self pollination without the aid of a pollen vector.
Bifid Forked or cleft into two parts.
Bilaterally symmetrical Shaped so that only a cut through one plane will divide
the object into matching halves.
Biotype Organisms of a population sharing a specified genotype or a particular
characteristic in one environment that is not shared by other populations of the
same species in other environments.
Bursicle (or bursicula) A sac-like or purse-like structure enclosing a viscidium in
some Orchidaceae.
Buzz pollination A method of pollen collecting based on the vibration of flowers
by bees; the vibrations are based on a “shivering” of the bee's flight muscles and
cause the pollen to drop out of the flower onto the body of the bee.
Calcareous Composed largely of calcium carbonate or growing on a substrate
composed chiefly of calcium carbonate (limestone, chalk).
Callus A fleshy or other protuberance, for example, of the labellum.
Capsule A dry, dehiscent fruit opening along one or more sutures.
Caudicle A slender extension of the pollinium usually composed of pollen and
viscin, connecting the pollinia to the stipe or, in the absence of a stipe, directly to
the viscidium; derived from the anther.
Chasmogamous (chasmogamy) A plant with flowers that open to expose the
reproductive organs.
Ciliate Fringed with fine hairs or cilia.
Classification The placement and delimitation of taxa within divisions of a
hierarchical system.
Clavate Shaped like a club, thick above and tapering to the base.
Claw (clawed) The narrowed basal part of a sepal, lip, or other petal in some
Cleistogamy Self-pollination (autogamy) in closed flowers.
Clinandrium The part of the column under or surrounding the anther; the anther
Clone A population of genetically identical individuals derived by asexual repro-
Clypeus A shield-like plate on the front of an insect's head.
Column A centrally positioned organ of the orchid flower formed by the partial or
complete fusion of the male and female parts (= gynostemium).
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