Game Development Reference
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Figure 1-17. Asset organization in the Project panel for the CMOD project. Make asset organization a habit and development
will become a lot simpler
Use meaningful object names. Organization applies not just to assets in the
Project panel, but to GameObjects in the scene, too. When building scenes with
lots of objects, take a quick pause and scan through the Hierarchy panel and
look at the names of your objects. Ask yourself: Are these names meaningful?
One way to reach practical judgments about this is to see if you can guess
what the object is, what it does, and where it is in the scene, purely from the
object name alone, without looking in the Scene tab or Game tab at all. If you
encounter names, such as Cube01 or Obj1 , and cannot reasonably determine
what the objects do, then consider renaming your objects. If a cube mesh
is supposed to be an ammo crate, for example, then think about changing
its name from Cube01 to meshAmmoCrate_01 . Now, applying this kind of
organization rigorously across your objects probably doesn't sound like much
fun, especially if your scene has many objects. But it can ultimately save you
hours of time when selecting objects.
Note Remember that assets are data files and resources used in a project, such as meshes and textures
and audio files. GameObjects are specific instances of things, or entities, inside a scene—such as enemies,
characters, weapons, and vehicles. GameObjects live in the game world. Prefabs are collections of game
objects configured together into a standalone template, which is reusable as though they were one
complete entity.
Use asset tags, object tags, and layers. Don't think organization should stop
at asset file names or folders, or GameObject names. Take it a step further and
use asset labeling , object tags , and layers .
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