Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6
Let's quickly recap what we've done so far in CMOD. At this stage, we've created a complete
game environment with rooms and corridors, collectable power-up objects for health restore and
cash bonuses, a notifications manager class to send and dispatch events to game objects, and
a universal player controller for desktops and mobiles, including first-person functionality with a
complementary head bob. In this chapter, we'll build on this existing work by adding weapons for
the Player character—specifically, a short-range fists/punch weapon (the default weapon) and a
long-range gun weapon, which can be collected through a weapons power-up. The purpose of these
weapons is to damage Enemy characters. Of course, right now , we haven't created any enemies for
CMOD—they'll be coded in the next chapter. But here we'll at least make a start with weapons.
In creating these, a wide range of Unity and C# concepts will be explored in depth; specifically, sprite
and object animation, physics and rays, object orientation , class inheritance and polymorphism .
So let's get started . . .
Weapons Overview
CMOD features a total of two weapons that can be used by the Player character; though only one
weapon may be active and in use at any one time. These weapons are fists that punch (as shown in
Figure 6-1 ) and a gun (as shown in Figure 6-2 ). These weapons are considered in more detail next.
Figure 6-1. The default fists/punch weapon
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