Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Level. The Level represents the complete game environment, plus everything
else inside it. The level architecture, such as the walls and floors, will be
composed into integrated wholes from separate and modular mesh pieces,
which I've modeled beforehand using the free 3D software Blender. Modular
means the environment was created in blocks, or modules, which match at the
seams. So each module fits together with others and may be recombined, like
Lego bricks, to form larger and more complete environments inside the Unity
Editor. More on this later. See Figure 1-11 for the game environment, as seen
inside the Unity Editor.
Figure 1-11. Game environment for CMOD. Notice the modular mesh pieces inside the meshes folder of the Project panel. These
are included in the associated project files (FBX Format), inside the AssetsToImport/Meshes folder
Note Level design and modular techniques are considered briefly in the next chapter for the sake of
completeness. However, the primary focus of this topic is on using C# in Unity to code and customize game
behavior specifically. Consequently, modular design and level building will not receive extensive coverage. But
don't worry: this topic provides a Unity project, already configured with a level assembled from meshes, from
which we'll begin work together by adding C# code.
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