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Line 15. In the world of coroutines, yield break is equivalent to return null
in the world of functions. In other words, yield break terminates the coroutine
at that line, and any subsequent lines (if there are any) will not be executed.
There's also another kind of yield statement, which is yield return null . This
terminates execution of the coroutine for the current frame, but the coroutine will
resume at the next line on the next frame . We'll see this form of yield in action
shortly when creating the bobbing motion for our Cash Power-Up object.
Line 23. This yield WaitForSeconds statement works like a Sleep function. In
Listing 4-6, yield WaitForSeconds is used to suspend execution of the coroutine
for 1 second before resuming on the next line. Since this statement is called
inside a For loop, it executes once on each iteration.
There's another and interesting use of yield , however, which is not so widely documented. You may
be wondering how we could fix the “asynchronous problem” in Listing 4-6 so that line 13 was truly
executed after the Counter coroutine had completed entirely, and not sooner. To do that, consider
the revised code, as shown in Listing 4-7.
Listing 4-7. Waiting for a Coroutine to Complete
01 using UnityEngine;
02 using System.Collections;
04 public class PrintHelloWorld : MonoBehaviour
05 {
06 // Use this for initialization
07 IEnumerator Start ()
08 {
09 //Start Coroutine
10 yield return StartCoroutine(Counter());
12 //Has finished
13 Debug.Log ("Counter Finished");
15 yield break;
16 }
18 IEnumerator Counter()
19 {
20 for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
21 {
22 Debug.Log (i.ToString() + "Seconds have elapsed");
23 yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
24 }
25 }
26 }
In short, the yield statement can be used inside a coroutine (such as Start ) to wait for the
termination of another coroutine (such as Counter ). With this code, line 13 will not be executed until
the Counter coroutine has ended. Before moving on, I recommend playing around with coroutines.
They are powerful and we'll put them to good use in the next section to create an endless PingPong
motion for power-ups.
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