Game Development Reference
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Note To use the Dictionary class, as well as the List class, we must include the
System.Collections.Generic namespace (see line 03).
More information on the Dictionary class can be found online at .
Information on the List class can be found at .
The declaration itself occurs at line 08 and makes use of Generic (or Template ) classes
(further considered in the next section). In essence, this line creates a Dictionary of events and
listeners. The key values ( event types ) are specified as string elements—representing human-readable
names of events we'll use (such as OnHealthChange ), and the listeners themselves are specified as a list
of components , using the .NET List class. All components associated with an event will be notified
when the event happens through function calls.
Generic Classes and C#
In the previous section, we added a two-dimensional dynamic array member to the
NotificationsManager to act as an organized and searchable collection of Event a nd Listener
objects. This was implemented on line 08 of Listing 3-7, using the Dictionary and List classes from
the .NET Framework. In declaring both these classes in just one line, we relied on the concept of
Generic (or Template ) classes. Let's discuss these further here for clarity.
If you go online and examine the Microsoft documentation for the List class at , you'll see from the title
section that List is written as List<T> . Notice the <T> post-fix in that title. What does that mean?
In short, the post-fix <T> , when applied to a class, means the class is not strictly typed, and instead
uses Generics, which are a loose, stand-in data type that mean whatever you want them to mean. It
means the List class is not restricted to being a list of integers , or a list of strings , or a list of chars ,
or a list of components . It can be any of these if you want it to be, as well as any other data type you
may want it to be. Consequently, a list of integers can be made with
List< int > MyIntegers = new List< int >();
And a list of strings with
List< string > MyStrings = new List< string >();
And a list of components with
List< Component > MyStrings = new List< Component >();
This means that the first element in the list, at List[0], will be an integer for integer lists, a string for
string lists, and so on. This powerful data-type versatility that comes from using Generics is not just
restricted to the .NET List class or to the .NET Framework itself. It is a C# language feature. The
Dictionary class also uses Generics. Let's look at line 08 from Listing 3-7 again.
private Dictionary< string , List< Component >> Listeners = new Dictionary<string, List<Component>>();
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