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property in its Ca 2+ response receives synaptic inputs from different subsets of the
afferents having different sensitivities to direction.
Thus, simultaneous Ca 2+ imaging of pre- and postsynaptic neurons has provided
signifi cant fi ndings on the decoding algorithm for synaptic transmission and on the
dendritic integration of synaptic inputs. Recent approaches using high-speed two-
photon imaging are capable of visualizing and functionally mapping the synaptic
inputs onto individual spines on the dendrites of cortical neurons (Jia et al. 2010 ;
Chen et al. 2011 ; Varga et al. 2011 ). In neuroethological research, further develop-
ment of in vivo Ca 2+ -imaging techniques and the development of novel indicators,
including genetic probes, will be amenable major advances in our understanding of
the neuronal architecture and computations underlying animal behavior.
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Helmchen F, Denk W (2005) Deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Nat Methods 2:932-940
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of an identifi ed sensory interneuron. J Neurosci 6:2298-2311
Jia H, Rochefort NL, Chen X, Konnerth A (2010) Dendritic organization of sensory input to corti-
cal neurons in vivo. Nature 464:1307-1312
Landolfa MA, Miller JP (1995) Stimulus-response properties of cricket cercal fi liform receptors.
J Comp Physiol A 177:749-757
Lipp P, Niggli E (1993) Ratiometric confocal Ca 2+ -measurements with visible wavelength
indicators in isolated cardiac myocytes. Cell Calcium 14:339-372
Miller JP, Jacobs GA, Theunissen FE (1991) Representation of sensory information in the cricket
cercal sensory system. I. Response properties of the primary interneurons. J Neurophysiol
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