Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.3 In vivo Ca 2+ imaging in the head-fi xed cricket preparation. ( a ) Schematic of the experi-
mental setup showing an immobilized cricket. ( b ) Ca 2+ response in the calyx of the mushroom
body to the preferred odor stimulus
brighter fl uorescent images with improved signal-to-noise ratio. Regardless of the
kind of imaging device used, however, the optical properties of the objective lens
and optical band-pass fi lters are the most crucial determinants of image quality.
A primary consideration for setting up a Ca 2+ -imaging experimental system is,
therefore, the selection of an objective lens with as large a numerical aperture
(N.A.) as possible, adequate working distance, and a set of fi lters appropriate
for transmitting the excitation and emission wavelengths for the selected
Ca 2+ indicator(s). An appropriate imaging device must also be selected that is
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