Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The brain encodes information in different modalities and in their integration. At the
basic scientifi c level, ECoG is a balanced option to sample detailed brain activity
and to extract this information. At the technological level, ECoG is capable of link-
ing different recording techniques across the whole spectrum, with its correlation
with other techniques being established, from SUA (Miller 2010 ) to EEG (Zhang
et al. 2006 ) and fMRI (Conner et al. 2011 ). At the clinical level, ECoG provides
supreme decoding performance and long-term stability for BMI applications, with-
out damaging the brain.
Recent advances in ECoG technology have enabled the direct and simultaneous
access to neural activity from most of the cortex, which poses the challenge of iden-
tifying relevant information from an overwhelming amount of data. The ideal
approach to this challenge is to model the brain as a whole and to fi t this model to a
wide range of behaviors. Therefore, we can establish a general model that describes
how the brain integrates information dynamically to represent not only one specifi c
process but also the interplay among different processes. To achieve this ultimate
goal, we will need to not only develop and evaluate different theoretical frameworks
but also collect and share a variety of experimental data.
Acknowledgments We thank Yasuo Nagasaka, who helped design and collect the data described
in this chapter, and Naomi Hasegawa and Tomonori Notoya, for their technical assistance.
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