Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 9.4 Cover slip procedure and hybridization in oil bath with radioactive RNA probe. ( a ) Setting
of cover slip procedure. ( b ) Labeling sample information on glasses with a pencil. ( c ) Putting S35-
cRNA probe/hybridization solution on a cover slip. ( d & e ) Placing a glass slide on a cover slip, then
immediately fl ip the side to face up. ( f & g ) Placing the cover-slipped slides in a metal rack. ( h )
Placing the metal racks into the oil bath
10. Incubate mixed solution at 65 °C water bath for 5 min to dissolve reagents, and
then immediately chill on ice at least for 5 min.
11. Put S 35 -cRNA probe/hybridization solution on a cover slip, and gently place a
glass slide on it with the tissue sections facing the hybridization solution
(Fig. 9.4a-e ).
12. Place the cover-slipped slide in a metal rack, making sure the slides stay in a
horizontal position (Fig. 9.4f-g ).
13. Carefully place each rack into the oil bath { Note*8 } at 65 °C { Note*9 }
(Fig. 9.4h ).
14. Incubate slides overnight (12-15 h) { Note*10 }.
*1: Preparation of 3 % paraformaldehyde/1× PBS:
For 1 L solution:
Mix 30 g paraformaldehyde in 100 mL of 10× PBS + 900 mL deionized
H 2 O (dH 2 O, no need to use DEPC-H 2 O), and add 320
L of 10 N NaOH (to
help paraformaldehyde to dissolve, adjustment of pH).
While stirring, heat the solution (~40 °C) under a hood on the hot plate.
*2: Preparation of 1× PBS:
ten times dilution from 10× PBS.
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