Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-3. Displaying your MongoDB information in PHP
Once you confirm that the installation was successful and that the driver loaded
successfully, you're ready to write some PHP code and walk through a MongoDB example
that leverages PHP.
Connecting to and Disconnecting from the PHP Driver
You've confirmed that the MongoDB PHP driver has been loaded correctly, so it's time to
start writing some PHP code! Let's take a look at two simple yet fundamental options for
working with MongoDB: initiating a connection between MongoDB and PHP, and then
severing that connection.
You use the Mongo class to initiate a connection between MongoDB and PHP;
this same class also lets you use the database server commands. A simple yet typical
connection command looks like this:
$connection = new Mongo();
If you use this command without providing any parameters, it will connect to
the MongoDB service on the default MongoDB port (27017) on your localhost. If your
MongoDB service is running somewhere else, then you simply specify the hostname of
the remote host you want to connect to:
$connection = new Mongo("");
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