Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Filling in Some Background
Chapter 1 touched on the fact that we have been taught to use databases for even simple
storage for many years. For example, the topic one of us bought to help improve his PHP
more than 15 years ago introduced MySQL in Chapter 3. Considering the complexity of
SQL and databases in the real world (not to mention in theory), you might wonder why
a book intended for beginners would practically start off with SQL. After all, it was a PHP
book and not a MySQL book.
One thing most people don't appreciate until they try it is that reading and writing
data directly to disk is hard. Some people don't agree with us on this point—after all,
opening and reading files in Python might seem trivial. And it is: in simpler scenarios,
working with files is rather painless when using PHP. If all you want to do is read in lines
and process them, you're unlikely to have any trouble.
On the other hand, things become a lot harder if you want to search a file or store
complicated or structured data. Even if you can work out how to do this and create a
solution, your solution is unlikely to be faster or more efficient than relying on a database
instead. Today's applications depend on finding and storing data quickly—and databases
make this possible for those of us who can't or don't want to write such a system
One area that is glossed over by many topics is the storing of files. Most topics that
teach you to use a database to store your data also teach you to read and write to the
filesystem instead when you need to store files. In some ways, this isn't usually a problem,
because it's much easier to read and write simple files than to process what's in them.
There are some issues, however. First, the developer must have permission to write
those files in the first place, and that requires giving the web server permission to write
to the local filesystem. This might not seem likely to pose a problem, but it gives system
administrators nightmares—getting files onto a server is the first stage in being able to
compromise it.
Databases can store binary files; typically, it's just not elegant for them to do so.
MySQL has a special column type called BLOB . PostgreSQL requires special procedures
to be followed to store such files—and the data isn't stored in the table itself. In other
words, it's messy. These solutions are obviously bolt-ons. Thus, it's not surprising that
people choose to write data to the disk instead. But that approach also has issues. Apart
from the problems with security, it adds another directory that needs to be backed up,
and you must also ensure that this information is replicated to all the appropriate servers.
There are filesystems that provide the ability to write to disk and have that content fully
replicated (including GFS); but these solutions are complex and add overhead; moreover,
these features typically make your solution harder to maintain.
MongoDB, on the other hand, enforces a maximum document size of 16MB. This is
more than enough for storing rich documents, and it might have sufficed a few years ago
for storing many other types of files as well. However, this limit is wholly inadequate for
today's environment.
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