Graphics Reference
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The intended message of media integration—the client's core service—as well as the visual allu-
sions to video screens, file tabs, and pixels, all depend on precise mathematical alignments. Rath-
er than “eyeballing” to assess scale and positioning relationships, the designer relies on measured
guidelines within the layout software to ensure the elements create the pattern as envisioned.
STIM Visual Communication United States
16 Create images—don't scavenge.
Time is money, it is often said; and the time it takes to research truly effective stock
images can burn a hole in a designer's budget faster than you can say “Ow!” True, find-
ing an image to stick into a layout tends to be quicker; but this is still not a good reas-
on to use images that already exist because the existing image will never be as closely
tied to the project's message as it really needs to be. Sometimes, however, purposely
using banal, almost meaningless or kitsch images from stock sources can be great fun,
especially if the project calls for a tongue-in-cheek approach or if the designer is con-
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