Graphics Reference
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Two conflicting grids—one for text, one for images—encourage bizarre overlaps of type and pic-
tures, as well as linear elements, in this topic spread. Take a look at the not-quite-aligned rela-
tionship between the images themselves. The indecisive quality of these structural details elicits
questions from the viewer, rather than attempting to answer questions in advance or persuade
them of some truth.
Coma Netherlands
15 Measure with your eyes: design is visual.
Any time the form elements are tightly locked together and arranged systematically, as
in an intricate pattern or grid structure, mathematical measurements and alignment be-
come unavoidable—and likely, more appropriate conceptually. Optically aligning, spa-
cing, or sizing material that is very tightly arranged will call attention to misalignments,
uneven spaces, or elements that are not quite the same size, even though they are inten-
ded to be perceived that way.
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