Graphics Reference
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Each of these two projects explores color in a relatively random or contradictory way. The public
service advertisement (A) uses a jarring combination of intense colors that are unrelated in value
and temperature to create contrast and enhance the stark directness of the message. The currency
design, however, avoids the color cliche usually associated with China in favor of a cool, vivid
scheme of analogous hues that calls to mind, fruit, water, sky, and leaves.
A Metropolitan Group United States
B Maggie Vasquez Laguna College of Art, United States
7 If you can do it with less, then do it.
By all means, add extra stuff if it helps the message. Intricate, complicated, layered,
maze-like arrangements of form, even though somewhat daunting at first, can be very
engaging—and will appeal to specific audiences. Including apparently unrelated forms
or images can be frustrating to a viewer, or they may add an important sub-text that, in
the end, helps support the primary messages in the project. Since the connection with
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