Graphics Reference
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Overall Progressive Sequencing This strategy articulates image and text on a grid beginning with
one type of logic and progressively changing the logic spread by spread. The result is a continuous
transition in the pacing over the course of the entire project.
Overall Syncopated Sequences In this approach, content is articulated on a grid using one type of
logic for a particular sequence of page spreads; altering the logic for a second sequence of spreads;
and then returning to the previous logic. This strategy can become more complicated—instead of
the A·B·A rhythm described, a rhythm of A·B·A·C·A might be used, or A·B·C·B·C·D·C·D·E,
for example.
Continuous Variation This is an approach in which the articulation of content continuously
changes from spread to spread. The change might focus on the relative position of elements or on
the proportions of spatial zones given to specific informational components.
Section Variation The same grid is articulated using a specific logic in one sequence of page
spreads, another logic in the following sequence, and another logic in the sequence after, without
repetition. Or, completely different grids might be used in each section.
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